About Me

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As a spiritualistic guy I took a fascinating interest into lucid dreaming when I was 10. Research and practice communicating with Spirits when I was 11. And took a vague interest into prophecies around 14.When signs and/or gifts have been giving to you, what should you do with them? Share them with the world and beware of criticism? Or keep them to yourself and know that you could have warned or improved the world you exist in. It's time to choose.


Friday, December 5, 2008

Dreams..Could they be the 4th Dimension that Awaits

As someone who hasn't taken notes from others on what dreams really are, I've come to the mere conclusion that are dreams are the 4th dimension that awaits us.
Some say dreams are of things in that might have happened in the past and what not, but how does that work out for someone with a strong mind/spirit. One whom is able to control what happens in his dream as if it was my second life. There's much more to our dreams that I think we all should take a notice too. If anyone else has anything they'd like to share about their dreaming experience and Idea please feel free to share.

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