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As a spiritualistic guy I took a fascinating interest into lucid dreaming when I was 10. Research and practice communicating with Spirits when I was 11. And took a vague interest into prophecies around 14.When signs and/or gifts have been giving to you, what should you do with them? Share them with the world and beware of criticism? Or keep them to yourself and know that you could have warned or improved the world you exist in. It's time to choose.


Sunday, April 7, 2013

The War of Super Powers! Korea is just the trigger.

With the latest of "saber ratling" from North Korea, it's hard not to imagine a bigger picture in the background.
With all of my information gathering, we could be expecting the North Koreans to implement physical action between the dates of April 10th - 14th.
Please make sure you have your gas mask for the nuclear fallout, yes this will be a chimical,biological,nuclear war. Have your bugg in or out plans and bags ready. Don't forget what the Denver Colorado Illuminati Airport picture portrays.

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