About Me

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As a spiritualistic guy I took a fascinating interest into lucid dreaming when I was 10. Research and practice communicating with Spirits when I was 11. And took a vague interest into prophecies around 14.When signs and/or gifts have been giving to you, what should you do with them? Share them with the world and beware of criticism? Or keep them to yourself and know that you could have warned or improved the world you exist in. It's time to choose.


Sunday, December 28, 2008

Vision 2

I've returned to add the next vision/dream given to me.

The world came under attack by alien beings from another planet.
The army tried to evacuate all the civilians into these armored trucks.
I'd turned down the offer and decided to stay and fend for myself.
The aliens were an extremely aggressive type of being, as if they were under some
sort of rage and bloodthirst.
I had taken myself and a small group of friends and found temporary safety in a subcluded area
that had a safe house inside of it.

Vision/Dream Ends

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Is Nasa hinting towards Revealing Planet X - Eris???

WASHINGTON (AFP) – NASA's Hubble Space Telescope has discovered both carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide in the atmosphere of a distant planet, in a key step for finding extraterrestrial life, the space agency said Tuesday.

Detecting organic compounds that can be a by-product of life processes on an Earth-like body could one day "provide the first evidence of life beyond our planet," NASA said in a statement.

The discovery was made on a Jupiter-size planet 63 light years away from Earth that is too hot for life, and is all gas and liquid.

Now does this sound like Planet X or what..?

Monday, December 8, 2008

Growing dissapearence of the HoneyBee

With the decrease of the Honey Bee taking place one must ask ourselves....why!?
A thing of interest with this is that, Albert Einstein quote: "If the bee disappeared off the surface of the globe then man would only have four years of life left"

What could have Albert Einstein meant by that quote, and with the growing speculations of Prophecies of 2012, this throws in a subject to be taken a great interest into.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Dreams..Could they be the 4th Dimension that Awaits

As someone who hasn't taken notes from others on what dreams really are, I've come to the mere conclusion that are dreams are the 4th dimension that awaits us.
Some say dreams are of things in that might have happened in the past and what not, but how does that work out for someone with a strong mind/spirit. One whom is able to control what happens in his dream as if it was my second life. There's much more to our dreams that I think we all should take a notice too. If anyone else has anything they'd like to share about their dreaming experience and Idea please feel free to share.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Ghost Hiding in my Blanket -_-

One night I was noticing something was disturbing me while I was sleeping causing me to awaken. I thought It was my cat but I had to be sure.
So I set up my webcam to record me sleeping one night and caught some unusual being/spirit that was underneath my cover. I thought it might have been my cat, but my cat was sleeping near my head.

This video has been increased in brightness and Slowdowned x3 for all to notice that It could not have been me whom inflicted the caused reaction.

Aliens are real. O.O Doh

With 2009 being announced the "Space Race" what could be the big hurry?
As if space is going somewhere...or maybe we're going somewhere...

Some people may already know that their are Ruins/Aliens already on the moon now.
Few have step outside their power to reveal some of the cover-ups thats been made.

Prophecy Giving from Above: Vision 1

After doing being able to communicate off and on with spirits I decided to take it up a notch into asking for Visions into the future of well 2012.
NOT to say any of these are true and or Will happen, but not to also through them off into Fiction.
I asked the Goddess Isis for a vision into the future and was given 3 Visions.
Heres Vision 1.

I looked around to find myself floating in space, lingering there confused as of to what was going on. Nearby me I notice a broken tail piece off of a destroyed space shuttle.
On the side of the tail of the space shuttle I was holding onto, the name Atlantis was on the side.
I look around and notice that there was no sun, I turned to look for earth and seen it crumbling breaking into many pieces. I then realized that the pieces of earth and I were being sucked into a black-hole. Upon exiting the black-hole I realized the broken debris of the space shuttle I was holding onto looked brand new as if It was just made or polished. Then I saw 2 planets, very beautiful and clean from the distance, one a tad bigger than the other I guess signifying that the smaller one was the moon of the other planet. I landed on the bigger planet and upon landing I was greeted by Isis and Osiris. I took a look around and everything around looked Egyptian like, I saw a Tablet that had writing on It i couldn't understand, but at the bottom of the tablet I made out the name Enoch.

There was a little bit more to the dream/vision but that there is the main jest of what I was given into my first vision.

Before we Begin You have to understand Me

I took a interest the paranormal when I was 8 due to seeing my first spirit.
When I was 8 I was visited by Jesus, he came to me holding two stone tablets.
As a kid I was scared because I didn't know how to react so I let out a cry and he vanished.
Since that day I took a interest into "ghost".
I studied and took up some forms of "witchcraft" into learning how to speak/communicate with spirits.
Further into my life I've been visited by many spirits, and have from what I "believe" communicated with Gods such as Isis.
I believe in both Good and Evil but yet belong to neither, because in the end, I believe neither Good is always right, and not Evil is always wrong.
Ex. Enki and Enlil