About Me

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As a spiritualistic guy I took a fascinating interest into lucid dreaming when I was 10. Research and practice communicating with Spirits when I was 11. And took a vague interest into prophecies around 14.When signs and/or gifts have been giving to you, what should you do with them? Share them with the world and beware of criticism? Or keep them to yourself and know that you could have warned or improved the world you exist in. It's time to choose.


Thursday, December 4, 2008

Aliens are real. O.O Doh

With 2009 being announced the "Space Race" what could be the big hurry?
As if space is going somewhere...or maybe we're going somewhere...

Some people may already know that their are Ruins/Aliens already on the moon now.
Few have step outside their power to reveal some of the cover-ups thats been made.

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